Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Living the life of a Pharaoh :)

Well, often the Pharaohs or the very wealthy would have feasting. You're probably wondering "what a feasting is?" well... A feasting is a big fancy dinner where pharaohs and wealthy people eat dinner or lunch together which contains A LOT of food! Wealthy would have wine instead of beer, because the wealthy believed that beer was for the poor. OH NO THEY DIDNT! they'd have vegetables and fruit, they could chose between Sheep, Goats, Cattle, Pig or Ducks along with birds they could eat geese, pigeons or herons and mostly pelican yeahh nasty right? :p For dessert, they'd have cake sweeten with honey or honey nut chocolate or pancakes yummers.(: they're kind of vegetables are the ones we'd eat here, beets lettuce onions garlic cucumbers herbs . Either the poor or the wealthy would have different kinds of bread, flavored bread, raisin bread, bread sweeten with honey, normal bread at their dinners or lunches. Egyptians actually only have dinners and lunches, so they eat a lot as much food as they can grab!.(:

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