Thursday, November 18, 2010


What do egyptians have at meal time? well between the pharaohs and the poor people, Wealthy had feasting at meal time and the poor just ate in their small kitchens or what not sad no? Feasting were filled with snobby rich people wearing wigs, jewelry and their fancy clothes chatting about something no one really cares about and waiting for their wine and fancy bread and honey nut chocolate squares or sweetened cake, then they'd get their choice or as much as sheep or cattle or pig or even pelicans or pigeons (NASTY!!) and fruits and vegetables they wanted! The poor would make their food on clay ovens fry them with vegetable oil or butter or seeds from vegetables, they sit in the old rusty kitchen and eat their bread and fruits and vegetables and the meat they cooked, and maybe make some pancakes for dessert or even take enough time to make honey nut chocolate or chocolate butter gooey cake like i said before YUMM<3

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