Thursday, November 18, 2010


Poor people would eat any kind of bread.The poor would actually have bread more than the wealthy and pharaohs put together! they'd have a lot of green vegetables, like lettuce cucumbers and spinach and leeks and herbs and some nuts. The most common drinks for the poor are milk and beer, but if you made a little more money than others you could go get you some WINE! They also had pancakes, and some honey nut chocolate for some dessert... YUMM.(: Poor people would actually have radishes and garlic and peas along with their meat like Sheep, Cattle and Pig,Oink Oink :) the most common vegetable the poor and wealthy would have with their food was onions! they believe that onions, were used for any health reasons mostly to pungent odor and help the deceased breathe in the afterlife. No wonder, that was the most common vegetable! :O

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