Thursday, November 18, 2010

PrOtEiN :)

I say that the Egyptians had a lot of protein from all the meat they would eat at dinner and lunch! The poor Egyptians would hunt for cattle and sheep and pig, goats, chickens, fish for catfish mullet and perch and maybe even shoot some geese, pigeons, herons and pelicans! The wealthy would get cattle, sheep, pig, goats, chickens their geese, pigeons, herons and pelicans ... YUMMY :)... NOT! but, they also had big plates of turkey.. BLAHH :P They would have it at wealthy feasting and some times the non - wealthy would have it! i think they have a lot of protein! :)


What do egyptians have at meal time? well between the pharaohs and the poor people, Wealthy had feasting at meal time and the poor just ate in their small kitchens or what not sad no? Feasting were filled with snobby rich people wearing wigs, jewelry and their fancy clothes chatting about something no one really cares about and waiting for their wine and fancy bread and honey nut chocolate squares or sweetened cake, then they'd get their choice or as much as sheep or cattle or pig or even pelicans or pigeons (NASTY!!) and fruits and vegetables they wanted! The poor would make their food on clay ovens fry them with vegetable oil or butter or seeds from vegetables, they sit in the old rusty kitchen and eat their bread and fruits and vegetables and the meat they cooked, and maybe make some pancakes for dessert or even take enough time to make honey nut chocolate or chocolate butter gooey cake like i said before YUMM<3

What are the most common foods and desserts in Egyptian Times? :O

The most common foods, is bread of course! it's the staple food,  so that means that they can eat it throughout the years stale or helathy nasty huh? they also had common other foods like fruits, and vegetables,  along with honey and nuts and some chocolate :) the most common desserts are honey nut chocolate squares and pancakes and cake either chocolate gooey cake or just plain cake or cake sweetend with honey yummy.(:  along with their fruit they'd have mangos, and strawberrys and blueberrys and of course grapes to make wine! they're common meat were sheep, cattle, pig, catfish, perch and mullet and a lot of salted fish! The egyptians love their meat and bread and beer or wine the most though!


Poor people would eat any kind of bread.The poor would actually have bread more than the wealthy and pharaohs put together! they'd have a lot of green vegetables, like lettuce cucumbers and spinach and leeks and herbs and some nuts. The most common drinks for the poor are milk and beer, but if you made a little more money than others you could go get you some WINE! They also had pancakes, and some honey nut chocolate for some dessert... YUMM.(: Poor people would actually have radishes and garlic and peas along with their meat like Sheep, Cattle and Pig,Oink Oink :) the most common vegetable the poor and wealthy would have with their food was onions! they believe that onions, were used for any health reasons mostly to pungent odor and help the deceased breathe in the afterlife. No wonder, that was the most common vegetable! :O

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Living the life of a Pharaoh :)

Well, often the Pharaohs or the very wealthy would have feasting. You're probably wondering "what a feasting is?" well... A feasting is a big fancy dinner where pharaohs and wealthy people eat dinner or lunch together which contains A LOT of food! Wealthy would have wine instead of beer, because the wealthy believed that beer was for the poor. OH NO THEY DIDNT! they'd have vegetables and fruit, they could chose between Sheep, Goats, Cattle, Pig or Ducks along with birds they could eat geese, pigeons or herons and mostly pelican yeahh nasty right? :p For dessert, they'd have cake sweeten with honey or honey nut chocolate or pancakes yummers.(: they're kind of vegetables are the ones we'd eat here, beets lettuce onions garlic cucumbers herbs . Either the poor or the wealthy would have different kinds of bread, flavored bread, raisin bread, bread sweeten with honey, normal bread at their dinners or lunches. Egyptians actually only have dinners and lunches, so they eat a lot as much food as they can grab!.(: